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Tuckpointing: A Key to Masonry Restoration

The Value of Pointing in Masonry Repair

When it comes to masonry work, repair, and restoration, there is a key process that must take place in order to ensure beauty and proper waterproofing. This process is known by several different names that include pointing, repointing, and pointing up. It is also referred to as tuckpointing in some regions, however, this term is indicative of another related process. For our purposes, we’ll be using the terms repointing and tuckpointing as the primary descriptive terms. Each process concerns the restoration of mortar joints in masonry work and can overlap, though each suits different purposes. At Roberts-McNutt, we perform both of these processes as part of our masonry restoration service.

The Difference Between Repointing & Tuckpointing

The difference between these two is that one is used to fix structural damage while the other performs an aesthetic task. Repointing is the process by which the mortar joints structural integrity is restored. This is done by scraping away the deteriorated mortar, usually to a depth of equal to the width of the joint or until good mortar is found. Once the old mortar is removed, new mortar is applied in its place. Repointing is a great way to keep water from entering into your mason structure via compromised mortar. This prevents water from deteriorating the material, causing irreparable damage.

Tuckpointing is the process used to alter the appearance of your mortar joints to make them appear finer than they actually are. This involves the use of two contrasting colors, one to match the masonry and another to determine the appearance of the mortar joints. Once applied to the joint, the masonry structure will have a cleaner and finer appearance. Since tuckpointing does require the application of new mortar, there is the benefit of removing surface mortar that has been deteriorated. However, restoring mortar joints is not the primary purpose of tuckpointing.

Which Pointing Solution is for You?

Between these two options, repointing is typically what most people are looking for. It’s a great way to repair your mortar joint and stop damage from occurring to your masonry. However, it is labor intensive work with several nuances. It’s for this reason that repointing is best left to professionals like the ones we employ at Roberts-McNutt. As far as tuckpointing is concerned, the term itself is largely interchangeable with repointing and rarely regards the true form of tuckpointing. It’s important that you confirm which process you’re getting for your Walnut Ridge structure. Fortunately, the professionals at Roberts-McNutt have a full grasp on the both processes and are more than willing to help you with either. For more great information regarding masonry work or any of our other great waterproofing services, contact us today for a free consultation.

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Roberts-McNutt Waterproofing/Roofing, Roofing Contractors, North Little Rock, AR